
Missing punch form - Last Mile Deliveries LLC - NJ

Missed Punch form

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Pursuant to company policy, all non-exempt employees are required to accurately record all time worked each and every day. Absent advance approval, all non-exempt employees are required to take a 30 minute uninterrupted meal break during their shift. This meal break cannot be shorter than 30 minutes. All non-exempt employees are required to clock out and back in when they take their 30 minute uninterrupted meal break during their shift. We recognize that there may, however, be times when you cannot clock out and in for your meal break, or forget to do so. Accordingly, we have developed this time clock edit form. All ADP timeclock edits must be submitted in writing before the closure of the pay period. Please note below the time punch that needs to be corrected OR accurately provide all of your punches for the day :

Please Enter Date Of Edit
Please enter valid time
Please Enter valid time
Please enter valid valid time
Please enter valid time
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